News & Achievements


When people hear that someone works for Kearney Public Schools (KPS), their initial assumption is often that they enjoy summers off. However, the reality is quite different. The KPS administration office, along with several dedicated staff members, including school secretaries, administrators, facilities crews, and diner staff, works tirelessly throughout the year to ensure the smooth functioning of the school district.


According to KPS Grant Writer Mark Whitacre, the summer months are particularly busy, with a wide range of tasks and responsibilities that demand attention. One of the primary focuses during this period is the pursuit of competitive grants. The department collaborates with various stakeholders to develop proposals aligned with the district's goals and initiatives. These proposals are thoroughly reviewed and scored, and if successful, the district becomes eligible for funding. It is important to note that submitting an application does not guarantee the receipt of funds.

“This summer I will write 30 to 40 grants for Kearney Public Schools,” said Whitacre.  “During the school year, the total amount of grants written is between 150 and 200, depending on the intensity of time the grant application requires. We receive about 60% of the grants to which we apply.”

According to Superintendent Jason Mundorf, Whitacre proactively identifies needs within the district and seeks out funding opportunities that align with specific requirements. “This proactive approach with grant writing ensures that our district can address critical needs and provide enhanced educational experiences to our students,” said Mundorf. “For instance, during this past school year, Mark worked closely with elementary principals to secure funding for STEM carts to promote cience, echnology, ngineering, and ath skills.  The new STEM carts will be assembled this summer by a small group of teachers and distributed to elementary schools over the summer. This is a $40,000 project that would not have been possible without getting grants.”

In addition to grant writing and proposal development, Whitacre dedicates time to essential tasks such as data research on KPS and the community. “The Census Bureau has updated data that is released in the spring,” said Whitacre. “I look at the data to see if there is any information that can be used in grants to show the challenges facing our community and our schools.”

During the summer, Whitacre engages in professional development opportunities through webinars offered by the Grant Professionals Association, which focus on budgeting, needs analysis, and management.

Whitacre conducts extensive grant searches across various areas of interest, including improving transition programs, college/career readiness, school security, playground development, literacy programs, STEM initiatives, social-emotional learning, and arts education. The department also provides ongoing support for existing grants.

Mundorf stated that the dedication and efforts of Whitacre’s grant writing for Kearney Public Schools has yielded significant results. “During the 2021-2022 school year, the school secured $1.1 million in grant funds, followed by another $1.1 million during the 2022-2023 school year. Currently, the department has $1.8 million in pending grant applications, with decisions expected in June and September/October.  Our students and teachers benefit greatly from the hard work of our grant writer, Mark Whitacre.”

Whitacre remains committed to securing vital funding for Kearney Public Schools, enhancing educational opportunities, and addressing the evolving needs of the district. Their tireless work throughout the year exemplifies their dedication to providing an exceptional learning environment for students in Kearney.


maintenance worker repairs air conditioner



KPS Construction Projects Set to Commence  this Summer


Kearney Public Schools will begin $7 million in construction projects in the next two years using a number of different funding sources. Jason Mundorf, KPS Superintendent stated that keeping KPS schools up-to-date is a priority of the KPS Board of Education. “We want all of our students and staff to spend their days in a safe, clean, and comfortable learning environment,” said Mundorf.


To carry out the scheduled projects, the school district will leverage funds from the QCPUF (Qualified Capital Project Undertaking Fund), Federal ESSER III dollars, warranties/insurance, and allocated KPS budget. Dr. Christopher Loofe, the Associate Superintendent and Finance Director of KPS stated that careful planning and cost-effectiveness maximize the district resources to accomplish these projects. The availability of additional federal funding allowed the district to expedite certain projects outlined in the District Facilities Plan.  ”Our Board of Education, Mr. Mundorf, Mr. Bosard, and I have planned ahead for these projects and have made a conscious effort to use our resources in the most efficient and cost-effective way, said Loofe.  “We are fortunate to have extra Federal dollars to accomplish a few projects on our District Facilities Plan now rather than later.”


A significant renovation, costing $3.3 million, will be undertaken at to remodel its roof. The current flat roof will be transformed by elevating its slope and installing a new drainage system to prevent leaks from the original roof dating back to 1968. The roof renovation is expected to be completed by November 2023.Horizon Middle School


At KPS will replace the HVAC system and change a room by the cafeteria into a dedicated PSD  (Programs for Students with Disabilities) room for students with disabilities.Northeast Elementary


Park, Bryant, and Emerson Elementary schools will see restroom renovations to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. In addition, updates will be made to the flooring in the school buildings. These schools were constructed in 1950.  Park Elementary updates will take place in the summer of 2024, while Bryant and Emerson updates will happen this summer.


In preparation for the construction of a new administration office in 2024, footings will be poured at this summer.Windy Hills Elementary


Due to a lightning strike, will additionally receive a new roof which is covered by insurance.Park Elementary


Trent Bosard, KPS Facilities Director, is anxious to begin the projects stating, “We spend a great deal of time in the planning process which helps us be proactive in repairing, replacing, or creating better learning environments for our students.”


Looking ahead to the summer of 2024, Windy Hills Elementary is scheduled for a significant remodeling project. Constructed in 1981, the classrooms will be reconfigured to provide a more functional rectangular layout. The existing irregular room shapes limit space for desks, tables, and activities. Furthermore, the 1981 window/Kalwall panels will be replaced with more energy-efficient glass windows.


“This is a major remodeling project,” said Mundorf.  “Windy Hills will be an entirely new school when this is done. The bulk of the work will be completed during the 2024-2025 school year, and we are developing a plan for continuing the students’ educational experiences accordingly.  Once those logistics are determined, we will communicate where and how we will educate the Windy Hills students in 2024-2025 as soon as possible.”  

two giving speeches


KHS Graduation Speeches


The senior class speakers for the 2023 graduation at KHS, Andy Nguyen and Karson Walters, were chosen through a meticulous selection process involving counselors, administrators, the senior class sponsor, graduation coordinator, and a language arts teacher.


Applicants interested in speaking at the graduation presented their complete speeches to the panel and were assessed using a comprehensive rubric for evaluation. The selection committee then carefully reviewed the submissions and made their choices accordingly.


Once selected, Andy and Karson collaborated with their language arts teachers to refine their speeches further and practiced delivering them at UNK prior to the graduation day.


Andy Nguyen, who achieved the highest rank in his class, and was the valedictorian with a remarkable GPA of 4.434, received both the Regents Scholarship and the UNL Career Scholarship for his enrollment in Pre-Health studies at UNL. Thao Thanh Nguyen and An Quoc Nguyen are his mother and father.  Andy's graduation speech is titled "A Puzzling Identity."


Similarly, Karson Walters, who graduated as the valedictorian and ranked fourth in his class with an impressive GPA of 4.38, was awarded the Chancellor's Scholarship to pursue Business Management at UNL. His parents are Rich and Amy Walters. Karson's graduation speech is titled "The Things We Take with Us."



Both speeches are below:


The Things We Take with Us
~ Karson Walters

Good afternoon graduates, faculty, and guests. Thank you for joining us today to celebrate our

high school experiences. If you asked me to sum up my high school experience in one word, I

would say it is “change.” Comparing our freshmen selves to now, most of us are entirely

different people. Over the past four years, we’ve all had experiences that have molded us into

who we are today. Whether it be a victory in a crucial game, a high grade on an important test,

or an incredible performance, all the little moments have impacted us and who we are.

If you’re anything like me, these changes were entirely unexpected. The idea of “high school is

the best four years of your life” sounded like a hoax, and while in the grand scheme of things

maybe it's not the best four years, they are undeniably impactful. The friends I had freshman

year are not the same friends I have now. My interests are not the same, I’m not involved in the

same activities. While, of course, there are friends, interests, and activities that have followed

you through your entire high school journey, some have undoubtedly changed as well. Some of

these changes might’ve been easy, and you had no problem moving on from something that

was holding you back. But some of these changes were difficult, and caused a vast inner turmoil

leading to sleepless nights and struggling to get through the day.


Regardless of the journey, change inevitably occurred. And here we are. At our high school

graduation, 300-some teenagers, all a culmination of a different 4-years of experiences and

changes. All with different reputations earned from different actions and decisions. All with

different relationships formed from different opportunities. All with different plans on what we’re

doing after today.


So now what? The reputations we’ve established inside the walls of Kearney High won’t follow

  1. We’ll keep some of the relationships, but others will fade away as we move into the real

world. Our plans for now could very well change with new experiences and opportunities.

So what do we take with us? What did we learn in the last four years that will follow us through

the rest of our lives? I’m sure there are teachers that hope their math lessons on slopes and

angles and English teachers that hope their lessons on writing and sentence structure serve us

well, but I believe the most important lessons we’ve learned come from ourselves.


Every friendship and person we’ve looked up to taught us a little something about who we want

to be. Every argument and disagreement with someone else taught us something about who we

don’t. Every expectation and stereotype placed upon us that made us feel boxed-in taught us to

give others grace and second chances. Everytime we disapproved of someone else’s choice

taught us to hold ourselves accountable.


These are the things that we take with us. The small, intangible lessons from moments that we

may not even realize were as impactful as they were. But the truth is, every little moment, every

little decision we made, and every little interaction we had, have come together to shape us into

the group of graduates sitting here today, walking out into the real world, ready to change

society. And along the way, we get to impact people we meet, and our lives will be constantly



That’s the beauty of this phase of our lives, that somewhere in our ever-changing future and the

unpredictability of what comes next, not only will we change from every person we meet, but we

get the opportunity to impact everyone we meet. We get to take all the lessons we’ve learned

and all the qualities we’ve gained from our high school experience and indirectly share them

with others. All the perseverance we’ve learned from competitions, all the grit we’ve gained from

school work, and all the social skills we’ve learned from our peers get to be passed on to those

we become close with.


And that presents a challenge for us. If we are constantly impacting everyone we meet, then it

becomes our responsibility to make sure we leave a positive mark wherever we go. And that

seems like a pretty insurmountable task. It’s so easy to get caught up in the negativity of the

world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of being indifferent to injustices and cruelty. Naturally, we all

have days where we do. We’ve all said things we regret and treated people in a way that we

would not appreciate being treated ourselves. But, it is important to learn from these mistakes

and go back to what we’ve taken from others. The traits we’ve embedded in ourselves that

we’ve appreciated. By staying on that path, we are able to leave a positive mark with every step

we take. If we all focus on this, and leave a positive legacy, then the world becomes a better



This is our chance. Faced with the unknown, we get the chance to make our own way. Whether

it’s college, working, the military, or any other experiences we end up with, we have the chance

to leave our legacy. We’re on our own now, and every choice we make becomes a reflection of

  1. It becomes a reflection of our experiences and the people we’ve met along the way.

So when we leave today as the class of 2023, and our lives continue to change, I encourage

you all to think about the high school experiences and people that shaped you into who you are

today. Think about what you want to take with you, and always remember that you get to choose

your own path. While sometimes scary, change defines us, emboldens us, and empowers us to

leave our own positive legacy.


A Puzzling Identity

~Andy Nguyen

Hello parents, family members, and faculty for being here today

to celebrate the achievements of the most unexpecting and awkward

class: the Kearney High School Class of 2023. My name is Andy Nguyen

and I am a piece of a large puzzle, yet I am solving my own– one full of

twists and turns, irregularities, and imperfections. It is indefinite and

endless, not the process itself, but the picture I hope to create. Sure, I

can do it alone, and it will be painful and tedious, but with the help of a

friend, or better yet, a group, I will see past the anxiety and ambiguity

and hopefully discover the answer with less stress. I will see the full

picture with the time and effort I put forth, and if it isn’t evident yet, this

puzzle directly represents the structure and analogy for life. The pieces

of yours may be larger, they may be more intricate, they may be

deformed, but they are yours.


We have individual puzzles, but we are all alike with one. Seniors,

We make up a puzzle titled, “the Class of 2023.” Each of us represents

an integral piece, and when formed together, we make up one picture.

Some of you fit well with other pieces. Some of you do not, but that is

part of the natural process. Trial and error. If you don’t fit with one, you

are sure to connect to another, one that fills your gaps, one that

grooves well, one that gives you the clue to another piece. Seniors, our

class puzzle is insanely intricate, and awkward, and a little odd, but we

make up a unique picture– A unique identity, if you will. I see references

in our puzzle. I see a pandemic in the first half of the high school

picture. I see silly bands, tech decks, hydroflasks and scrunchies

representative of our naive elementary and middle school days. But no

matter what it is– it’s unique to us. Once our class puzzle is solved, and

in the next few minutes it will be, I assure you… we will all leave to be

new pieces of a greater puzzle. We will leave this one behind, admire it,

and then seek out a new adventure built on the foundation of our

countless tears, happy memories, and individual successes.


There is a possibility that some of us will take longer to find a new

path. Some may find it right away. But no matter when you find it, you

will make an impression right as you step foot into your designated

spot, because as the Class of 2023, it's what we do. We make an

impression– an impression that leads to a term known as legacy. By

definition, leaving a legacy is giving something that will be valued and

treasured by those after you leave. I know that we all hold an important

role in this big picture, and some of you may feel unneeded or

unrecognized in your efforts, but with time, it will be exposed, and your

story will be apparent. Your legacy will shine once you stay true to

yourself and recognize your own beauty and worth.


It will be an incredible journey, as we Aspire to Inspire others

around us, but most importantly… remember to apply this to your own

self. Seniors, I look at you all… my eyes full with pride…with pride. My

eyes are filled with hope. My eyes are filled with ambition. My eyes are

about to be filled with tears (*Comedic Relief). But remember what it

means to leave behind a legacy for yourself through the intricate image

of a puzzle. You will find your new puzzle, and you will solve it. You will

struggle. You will cry. You will rejoice, and you will learn. I wish you the

best of luck in finding your puzzle. Finding the pieces that fit you well.

Finding the title of your puzzle, and finding the main picture.

Remember that your foundation lies in being a part of the Class of



Thank you Kearney High for helping me complete my puzzle. You

were vital to show who I am now, and as I leave to seek out something

new, I will always remember the pieces I fit with– the pieces I now have

to leave behind– the pieces that stay connected as I take it apart. Class

of 2023, remember what you learned, what you loved, and your fun

moments. Cherish the “Reckless Love,” “Abide” and depend on one

another, for the big puzzle will eventually reveal itself. Congratulations

Seniors. Be big. and be bold. “But most importantly,” in the wise words

of Mr. Swarm, “Be Awesome Kearney High!” Thank you!


Kearney High FCCLA State Leadership Conferencegroup


Nebraska FCCLA State Leadership Conference did not disappoint! Fourteen members of the Kearney High FCCLA chapter traveled to the Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska in April to participate in competitions and leadership activities. The days were packed with learning, competing, networking, and leadership development.

Alivia Olson, Senior at Kearney High School and 1st Vice President of the State Officer Team for 2022-2023 and was instrumental in the planning and execution of this year's State Leadership Conference themed “Aspire to Inspire.”

The membership of Nebraska FCCLA elected a new State Officer Team for the 2023-2024 school year. Adan Ciprian, Junior from Kearney High School was elected President of the Nebraska State FCCLA! This was an arduous process for Adan as he was tested over FCCLA knowledge, interviewed, and presented a speech to the membership prior to the elections.

Evelin Munoz Galicia, Junior at Kearney High School was selected to the “Family” State Peer Officer Team. She was also tested on her FCCLA knowledge and prepared a presentation on an assigned topic to judges prior to being selected.  

Awards were presented in the following areas:
 STAR Competition results: 
Elizabeth Stewart and Dylan Wall, Sports Nutrition: Level 3, Gold, State Champion, National Qualifiers
Andy Nguyen and Alivia Olson, Chapter in Review Display: Level 3, Gold, State Runner-Up, National Qualifiers
Kim Gomez and Josie Steele, Interpersonal Communication: Level 3, Silver, 3rd Place
Evelin Munoz Galicia, Career Investigation: Level 3, Gold, 6th Place

FCS Knowledge Tests results:
Adan Ciprian, Senior FCCLA Knowledge, 1st Place
Elizabeth Stewart, Senior Personal Finance, 2nd Place
Power of One Participants
Andy Nguyen, Elizabeth Stewart, Adan Ciprian, Evelin Munoz Galicia, Katie Jurado, Cazbi Velazquez, Claudeth AlvaradoAdviser Committed to Excellence (ACE): Carol Kreutzer


Kearney Public Schools' "Celebration of Excellence"event honors KPS retirees, as well as employees who have served for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years. In addition, the event recognizes individuals who have been awarded the KPS Foundation Outstanding Educator, Outstanding Retired Educator, and Outstanding Support Staff, as well as the KHS Distinguished Graduate.


“It is the highlight of our school year to recognize our remarkable staff for their hard work and dedication to our school district and to our students,” said Jason Mundorf, KPS Superintendent. “

These individuals play a critical role in shaping the future of the students they work with, and it's important to recognize their efforts and contributions. It takes many excellent people to form a quality public school system, and we are excited to again recognize the very best our organization has to offer. 


Lisa Reese Parish, KPS Foundation Director commented, “the KPS Foundation is proud to present the Annual Awards of Excellence at this event. The individuals nominated and selected for these awards are inspiring students to achieve their dreams.”


The Distinguished KHS Graduate is Dr. William Clark.     

 William Clarke has distinguished himself in many ways in the field of medicine at Johns Hopkins. He has demonstrated superb skills by focusing on the development of drug analysis, clinical mass spectrometry and devices for point-of-care testing. He is currently involved in qualitative screening for antiretroviral drugs and substances of abuse in HIV-prevention trials. Clark has authored or co-authored over 150 peer-reviewed manuscripts or book chapters. He is the co-editor of the textbook, Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry and he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Practical Laboratory Medicine. In the past year, he has led research and studies into safeguarding immunocompromised patients from the COVID-19 virus. His impact on the health of the nation makes us truly proud to name him the 2023 KHS Distinguished Graduate. 


Kathy Gifford    Outstanding Retiree

 Kathy Gifford retired from teaching in 2014 but she has never retired from education. Following her retirement, she was elected to the Kearney Public Schools Board of Education, where she has served as President during the COVID Pandemic, Chair of the Superintendent Search Committee, Member of the Board Negotiations Committee, and more. She continues to support the programs she once sponsored as a teacher, such as FCCLA and FBLA. Kathy is a committed supporter of KHS Career Education. She is a strong advocate of the Kearney Public Schools Foundation and served as a board member for three years. Gifford gives hundreds of hours a year to support education in Kearney. She is truly an Outstanding Retired Educator.


Outstanding Support Staff Awards  went to Lisa Cline, Jeanne Lightle, and Denise Valentine 

 Lisa Cline keeps the Kearney High School ship afloat! She arrives at 5 a.m. to coordinate substitutes needed for the day and always puts the students first. Her dedication over the last 22 years led her to the critical role she plays at KHS. Despite heavy demands, Lisa Cline is always friendly and outgoing to students, teachers, and visitors. Her loyalty and commitment are what make her a 2023 Outstanding Support Staff recipient.


Jeanne Lightle maintains permanent student records at Kearney High School, including registrations, grades, and transcripts. She is instrumental in ceremonies such as Honors Night and graduation and maintains a sense of professionalism and calm. As the face of the counselors’ office, she is kind to everyone, even in difficult situations. Lightle’s tireless efforts help to make Kearney High School a great place to learn and work. She is deeply deserving of the 2023 Outstanding Support Staff Award. The title of Facilities Department Secretary does not adequately describe the contribution Denise Valentine makes, so her co-workers call her “Rock Star.” Valentine coordinates the incoming and outgoing deliveries made through the district warehouse, manages over 3,500 facility-use requests through SchoolDude, and gives a warm welcome to every visitor and caller of the facilities department. Valentine is always willing to go above and beyond to help with whatever is asked of her.  Her contributions to the success of the district are widely recognized, and she is a great example of a 2023 Outstanding Support Staff recipient. 



Outstanding Educator Awards went to Jenn DeBord, Haley  Gallas, and Vicki Maupin

In the Fall of 2021, Haley Gallas took a leap of faith and transferred from Kearney High School to the Hanny Arram Center for Success. Haley not only administers one of the largest special education caseloads in KPS, but she also serves as a career coordinator and school counselor at Hanny Arram Center for Success. She recognized the need students have to connect with potential employers and plan for post-high school opportunities and has stepped up even though she does not hold the title of a counselor. Her calm demeanor and genuine caring for the students allow them to trust that she will be focused on solutions rather than problems. Her impact on the lives of students makes her a 2023 Outstanding Educator. 


Jenn DeBord’s commitment to students at Horizon Middle School is a lifeline to many students and parents. As a Special Education Teacher, her impact is measured in the sense of belonging and happiness her students have for the school day. Parents feel a sense of calm when they know she is advocating for their child. Her nominator emphasized that “for many students, she is a lifeline and hope for the future.” Jenn DeBord is a wonderful example of what a 2023 Outstanding Educator should be!

Vicki Maupin has fully devoted her time and energy to teaching and guiding each of her students. Even through personal loss, she gave her full attention to helping students learn and be better musicians and to making music class fun. She never ceases to show endless compassion and concern for all of her students. She is an Outstanding Educator and leader in the schools she serves. Congratulations to Vicki on being named a 2023 Outstanding Educator.


“Through some challenging times, these teachers and staff members never give up on our students,” Reese Parish continued. “Every day, they strive to bring out the best in Kearney Public Schools students. Dr. Clarke is an extraordinary example of what students can accomplish when our teachers connect with their students and encourage excellence.”



Honored Retirees 

Vicki Maupin             7 Years

Shane Beisheim      14 Years

Ray Still                     14 Years

Diane Small              19 Years

Peggy Longmore     20 Years

Cherry Zimmerman 20.5 Years

Mary Fruhling           21 Years

Brian Hagan             25 Years

Barb Mayo                 25 Years

Lynette Womeldorf  26 Years

 Larry Pazdernik        27 Years 

Cheryl Popple           28 Years

Ray Dietz                   30 Years

Eric Kitzelman          32 Years 

Tami Eatherton Anderson 36 Years 

Dianne Lamb           50 Years



“The retirement of Dianne Lamb, the Executive Secretary to the Superintendent who has served for 50 years, is a significant loss for KPS and deserves a special mention of recognition. Dianne has worked with 10 different Superintendents and has been a bedrock of knowledge and support for these leaders in board policy, safety and security, board meeting organization, and district communications. Her deep knowledge of the district's history and operations will be difficult to replace. It is important to recognize her dedication and contributions to the school district and to wish her a happy and fulfilling retirement,” said Mundorf.” Furthermore, the retirement of experienced staff members can leave a significant gap in the school district. Their years of experience and knowledge are invaluable. KPS is recognizing the contributions of our retirees and wishes them well in their future endeavors.



35-year Honoree

Tami Frye, Karen Fusby, Paige Garringer, Pat McFadden


30-year Honorees

Kim Humphrey, Anne Little


25-year Honorees

Maria Beucke, Kris Grassmeyer, Michelle Mosley, Chris Pocock, Mitch Sanny, Tracy Wilson

20-year Honorees

Mandy Farber, Travis Flies, Karmen Grant, Melissa Hatcher, Trena Miller, Sylvia Mishou, Jana Piper, Mark Whitacre


15-year Honorees

Stacy Bean, Ranee Borowski, Arthur Bralick, Deborah Bridge, Andrew Chadek, Amy Denny, Clint Edwards, Leah Fleischman, Marni Garringer, Angela Haussler, Michalle Havranek, Carol Kreutzer, Randi Kuhn, Lori McArthur, Clayton Moyer, Nicole Peterson, Sarah Plonkey, Mary Roesler, Teresa Schnoor, Kerstin Schroeder, Crystal Staley, Jennifer Szymanski, Nicolle Williams, David Zimmer


10-year Honorees

Megan Buerer, Jennifer Buse, Tami Buss, Kimberly Clark, Alyssa Clay, Brooke Cooper, Richard Eastman, Jared Gregg, Kyle Heilbrun, Cynthia Kelly, Allison Kleidosty, Jennifer Knipping, Pete Kropp, Joy Kruger, Marissa Kruse, Sara Langan, Paige Liess, Andrea Loya-Perez, Pamela Luke, Doris McMullen, Ashley Mostek, Patrick Nebesniak, Cherish Ohlman, Lerrin Rowe, Gerard Schiltz, Lynn Stewart, Jennifer Voichoski, Melinda Vollmer, Emily Watts, Tiffany Wernke, Greg Yochum



The event is on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at theKearney Holiday Inn – Loper Ballroom and is sponsored byAllo Communications, B|D Construction, CHI Good Samaritan Health Systems, First National Bank of Omaha, The Perry Law Firm, Sampson Construction Company, and Wilkins A|D|P. This year, KPS is celebrating its 150th anniversary, and the tables will be decorated with old Echo newspapers and photos from yearbooks from as far back as 1912.



KHS Selects Connot as New Head Baseball CoachConnot


Kearney High School has announced that Matt Connot has been selected as the next Head Baseball Coach for Kearney High School. Hogue expressed his excitement about the hiring of Matt Connot, "We are thrilled to have Matt joining the head coaching ranks at Kearney High School. His passion for the game of baseball and future commitment to developing a program that will focus on player development and competing at a high level will only lead to the overall success for our spring baseball program,” said Ryan Hogue, KHS AP/ KPS Activities Director.


Connot has 20 years of experience coaching high school and Legion baseball in Kearney and Lincoln. He has been a varsity assistant coach for the Bearcats since the program's inaugural season in 2019."I am honored to have been chosen as the head baseball coach at Kearney High School," said Connot. "I am excited to continue to work with our student-athletes to help them grow as players and people and add whatever I can to the incredible program that Coach Archer has built here in Kearney.


Connot takes over a Kearney High School baseball program that has a rich history of success. The team has made two of the three state tournament appearances since the program’s inception and has helped produce numerous collegiate players during those years.


"I look forward to continuing the tradition of excellence that has been established at Kearney High School," said Connot. "We have a talented group of players, a community that supports Kearney baseball and I am confident that we can achieve great things together."


Hogue went on to state, “A lot has changed in the last 5-6 years with the landscape of baseball in the Kearney community. It was important for us to find a head coach that will embrace the baseball community at all levels and partner with many to streamline a philosophy and common mission to achieve all of the goals we are striving to achieve as a community.”  Hogue stated that Kearney High School is also very excited about the future co-op with Kearney Catholic. “Together, we will combine our baseball talent to compete at a high level and strive to meet the highest of program goals now and in the future. The future of baseball in Kearney is going to be fun to watch.”


Connot has a Master's Degree in Educational Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in Education.  He currently teaches science at Kearney High School, and before that, he taught 7th-grade science at Horizon Middle School.


Connot replaces Brad Archer, who will step down as Head Baseball Coach following the conclusion of the spring season.


KPS Facilities DIrector Featured in National MagazineTrent

Trent Bosard, Facilities Director for Kearney Public Schools, has been featured on the cover of BluePrint Magazine's March 2023 issue. BluePrint Magazine is a leading publication in the construction and design industries, highlighting the achievements of professionals in the field.

The cover story on Trent Bosard showcases his experience in the construction industry, specifically in his role as Facilities Director for Kearney Public Schools. The article highlights his commitment to providing safe and high-quality learning environments for students and faculty.

As a third-generation Kearney High School graduate, Bosard has a special fondness for the district he now leads in the Facilities Department. ”My history with this school district is a catalyst for my drive to make it the best learning environment possible. My parents, my children, and I all attended school here. I am proud when the schools run effectively and the classrooms are clean and comfortable.”

Bosard shares insights into his management style and how he ensures that Kearney Public Schools' facilities are maintained to the highest standards. He talks about the challenges of managing multiple buildings and how he and his team work to address maintenance and renovation needs. Bosard leads a team of 63 staff members caring for 15 schools and over 270 acres of grounds. The article quotes Bosard discussing the district's strategic plan and preventative maintenance, “We try to do a five-year lookahead, so we’re not surprised by things,” he says. “Of course, you can’t prepare for everything, but we try to get ahead of things as much as possible.”

The article also features some of Kearney Public Schools' recent construction and renovation projects, including the construction of the new high school and the renovation of the Hanny Arram Center for Success. “We are proud that the projects were completed on time and within budget while also ensuring that we met the needs of students and faculty,” said Bosard.

Jason Mundorf, KPS Superintendent of Schools, stated that a key takeaway from the article is Bosard's dedication to providing safe and efficient learning environments for Kearney Public Schools' students and faculty. “ Trent Bosard has an incredible wealth of facilities experience that has helped save our district millions of dollars. He has been an architect and construction manager throughout his career. This expertise has benefitted KPS from the beginning to the end of all construction projects over the past 10 years. Trent emphasizes projects are completed on time and within or under budget, and he works with our architects, contractors, and leadership teams to ensure this happens. The BluePrint Magazine cover story on Trent Bosard is a testament to his expertise in the construction industry and his commitment to providing high-quality facilities for Kearney Public Schools. His story serves as an inspiration to those looking to make a difference in their communities, and we are fortunate to have him leading the Facilities Department in KPS.”

The article outlines the immediate future for Bosard, describing the district’s use of the $10 million Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund (QCPUFF) bond. Current projects include Windy Hills Elementary remodeling, roofing projects, and bathroom renovations at many schools.

For more information about Kearney Public Schools, visit their website at

To view the BluePrint article:

Photo by KHS Student Mitch Brandt



 Kearney High School FBLA Recognized with Top Honors at FBLA State Leadership Conference

Kearney, NE, April 5, 2023—Nebraska’s best and brightest high school students competed at the Nebraska Future Business Leaders of America State Leadership Conference. They showcased their talents as future business leaders and vied for the opportunity to represent Nebraska at the National Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA this summer.

Nebraska Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), held its State Leadership Conference in Kearney on April 3-5. Participants from across Nebraska attended this exciting conference to enhance their business skills, expand their networks, and participate in more than 70 business and business-related competitive events.

The Kearney High School Chapter of FBLA was recognized for earning the Gold Seal Award of Merit and earning a Sweepstakes Award. The Gold Seal Award of Merit recognizes the top chapters within each state. Kearney is one of the top chapters in Nebraska. The chapter was also recognized for completing the Connect to Business project, Feed Nebraska project, Go Green project, iGive project, Spark Your Legacy Project, and StepUp2Tech project. The chapter was recognized for contributing to March of Dimes and a VIP contribution to Nebraska FBLA Foundation Trust. These awards and recognitions required all members to participate in some way throughout the year. There are 17 members in the Kearney High School chapter this year.

Individual and team awards include.

4th Place Word Processing – Winston Chu
5th Place Sports & Entertainment Management – Brodie McConville & Lincoln Sanny
6th Place Advertising – Brodie McConville
6th Place International Business – Carter Cochran & Winston Chu
8th Place Accounting II – Winston Chu
7th Place Entrepreneurship – Kaden Holt
8th Place Health Care Administration – Carter Cochran
8th Place Impromptu Speaking – Lincoln Sanny
8th Place Local Chapter Annual Business Report – Carter Cochran, Winston Chu, Lincoln Sanny
8th Place Supply Chain Management – Olivia Paysen
Honorable Mention Introduction to FBLA – Izzy Taillon
Honorable Mention Journalism – Lincoln Sanny
Honorable Mention Political Science – Carter Cochran
Honorable Mention Spreadsheet Applications – Winston Chu
Who’s Who in Nebraska FBLA – Winston Chu
20 years as an FBLA Adviser – Mrs. Tennille Allison


The chapter was also able to recognize Joseph Cochran of NebraskaLand Bank as a Local Businessperson of the Year. Mr. Cochran is a great supporter of Nebraska and specifically Kearney FBLA. The chapter appreciates his continued support.
The awards are part of a comprehensive national competitive events program sponsored by FBLA that recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. For many students, the competitive events are the capstone activity of their academic careers. In addition to the competitions, students attended educational workshops, networked with students from across the state, and attended a motivational keynote.

About FBLA Inc.
Future Business Leaders of America, Inc., the largest and oldest student business organization, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education association with a quarter million members and advisers in over 6,500 active middle school, high school, and college chapters worldwide. Its mission is to inspire and prepare students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. The association is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. For more information, visit or


State Speech Makes Big Impact in Kearney!



soccer TeamKHS Boys Soccer Team Honored with National Team Academic Award


KHS Boys Soccer Team is the only boy's soccer team in Nebraska to be honored with the United Soccer Coaches Association annual Team Academic Awards.


“I am proud of our student-athletes,” Said Jeff Ganz, KHS principal.  “This award is proof that we are creating well-rounded athletes and scholars. Coach Steinbrook has created an environment that makes education as important as the game. ”

A total of 115 boys' soccer teams throughout the United States earned the award for exemplary performance in the classroom as a team during the 2021-22 academic year.


The KHS Boys Soccer Team scored a 3.63 collective GPA. To qualify for the award, the team must have a minimum grade point average of 3.25 for the entire academic year. The team GPA is determined by adding every player’s GPA, then dividing by the number of players.

“Over the years, the players in our program have really bought into the idea of being a true ‘student’ athlete and taking care of business in the classroom,” said Scott Steinbrook, KHS Boys Soccer Coach.  “Our 2022 team had exceptional senior leadership, and they really set the tone for what our group was able to accomplish on the field and in the classroom.”

KHS Boys Soccer also had 13 individual players receive the Academic All-Conference and All-State honors.  “This award is icing on the cake seeing our entire team get recognition from the United Soccer Coaches Association for their academic successes,” said Steinbrook.

United Soccer Coaches announced the Team Academic Award winners at the high school level to recognize exemplary performance in the classroom and annually celebrate the academic achievements of high school soccer teams whose student-athletes collectively demonstrate a commitment to excellence in their studies over the course of a full academic year.



Northeast logoNortheast Elementary was selected to participate in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program


The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) is a federally assisted program providing free fresh fruits and vegetables to children at eligible elementary schools during the school day.


“The news that Northeast was awarded this grant to provide healthy snacks for our students is very exciting.  Our students will benefit in many ways,” said Catherine Gundersen, Northeast principal.  “Not only will they learn the importance of including fruits and vegetables in their daily diet, but this will give them a boost in energy allowing better focus in the classroom. We are thankful to Kate Murphy, Director of KPS Food Services, for working on this grant and being an advocate for our Northeast students!”


According to Murphy, the goal of the FFVP is to introduce children to fresh fruits and vegetables, to include new and different varieties, and to increase overall acceptance and consumption of fresh, unprocessed produce among children. The FFVP also encourages healthier school environments by promoting nutrition education.


“Northeast Elementary will be participating in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant for the first time this year beginning on September 6, 2022.   They join Bryant, Central, Emerson and Bright Futures who have enjoyed the program for several years,” said Murphy. 


Students will receive a fresh fruit or vegetable each day in their classroom for a snack. 


STEMBryant Elementary Receives $9,500 Grant from Bayer Fund

Donationto help STEM Education


Kearney, Nebraska – Kearney Public Schools announced today that Bryant Elementary received a grant for $9,500from Bayer Fund, which will be used to purchase STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) equipment.


“This grant will allow our school to upgrade our STEM Days with added equipment,” stated Dustin Mitchell, Bryant Principal. “We will be able to add chemistry as part of the program and purchase some mobile STEM carts for grades K-2 and 3-5.”

“This grant will allow our school to improve and upgrade our STEM supplies,” stated Dustin Mitchell, Bryant Principal. “All students have at least one STEM day a month.  During those special times students are introduced to careers and critical thinking skills that help to capture their imaginations along with learning to persist through difficult tasks.”

This grant will not only provide support to our STEM program, but also the community we serve by allowing us to learn about different career paths and high demand job skills that will serve our students and community!

“Throughout the years, the grants given through Bayer Fund have helped strengthen our communities across the United States,” said Al Mitchell, President of Bayer Fund. “We’re proud to be able to provide support to develop programs like STEM Day at Bryant Elementary School, which has been critical in inspiring future generations for careers in the high-demand STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) field.”


In 2021, Bayer Fund awarded more than $13.1 million to over 3,400 charitable and nonprofit organizations to help address essential needs in Food and Nutrition, STEM Education and Health & Wellness.  Over the last five years, nonprofit organizations across the U.S. have received more than $75 million.


To learn more about Bryant Elementary visit

To learn more about Bayer Fund visit




Kearney Public Schools has expanded the job responsibilities of Ryan Hogue, KHS Activities Director, and Assistant Principal, to include middle school activities.   Mr. Hogue will now be the KPS 6-12 Activities Director.  He will remain Assistant Principal at KHS.


“In a very consistent message, parents and students have clamored for new and expanded opportunities for athletics, clubs, and organizations in our middle schools,” said Jason Mundorf, KPS Superintendent. “Our board has met that request with the addition of middle school soccer and the expansion of our middle school track program to an already busy middle school athletic schedule. With the ongoing expansion of those opportunities, the need for Mr. Hogue’s skills as an AD to lead and facilitate those programs is abundantly clear.  Mr. Hogue is a proven, outstanding activities director who relentlessly pursues opportunities for kids and support from our community.  It is our hope that under his leadership, our middle school activities will continue to grow and provide a platform and transition into the competitive activities of Kearney High School.” 


Hogue is a certified athletic administrator; a certification received from the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA). He has been at Kearney High School since 2018. 


“I am very excited about this change in my leadership duties,” states Hogue.  “Since arriving at KPS in 2018, my philosophy as 9-12 Assistant Principal/Activities Director is to support the two middle schools as much as possible. The middle school students are the lifeline of students, athletes, and activity participants at Kearney High.  It makes sense to have some level of involvement at both Horizon and Sunrise.  With the support of our Board of Education and district administration, that philosophy is now officially part of my everyday leadership duties. I look forward to working with our Horizon and Sunrise principals and Activities Directors, Bean and Krause, to create great opportunities for our middle school students.  Go Jaguars and Go Silver Hawks.”


Hogue has an Education Specialist Degree and Masters of Education in Educational Leadership from Doane College, a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education and Social Sciences from Peru State College, and endorsements in Coaching and Drivers Education.


Ryan and his wife Jenny have two children, Addison and Hudson.



Kearney High School Students Attended the FCCLA National Leadership Conference 

San Diego, CA, July 2022 – Kearney High School FCCLA joined more than 7,000 Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) student members, advisers, and guests at the San Diego Convention Center, June 29-July 3 to participate in the annual National Leadership Conference (NLC).  

The conference provided Kearney High School FCCLA members opportunities for listening to inspiring speakers, attending youth workshops, competing on the national level, and networking with other youth leaders. The theme of this year’s conference was “Make It Count,” which inspired attendees to share how they make it count while exploring career opportunities, developing leadership skills, and growing personally while making a difference in their families and communities. 

“We are thrilled to have an attendance of over 7,000 members, advisers, corporate partners, and guests who are committed to discovering the unlimited possibilities available through FCCLA. The relationships and skills developed during this conference have inspired students to make a difference in their own communities and to make every moment count,” said Sandy Spavone, Executive Director of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. 

In addition to the many learning and networking experiences offered at the conference, more than 30 Family and Consumer Sciences related competitive events, also known as STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events. STAR Events aim to support student development of knowledge and skills by enhancing the classroom experience and career pathway initiatives by equipping students with employable skills and industry insights needed to thrive in the 21st century. FCCLA members choose what STAR Event they would like to compete in with events ranging from Early Childhood Education, Entrepreneurship, and Sports Nutrition to Fashion Design, Job Interview, and Culinary Arts. STAR Events are competitive events in which members are recognized for their proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation.


Of the 3,900 competitors, Nebraska had 185 participants who came home with 79 Gold medals, 95 Silver medals, and 11 Bronze medals. There were 57 Top Ten award-winning events and those winners included Kearney High’s Gold medal winner Andy Nguyen who placed 3rd in the nation in the Food Innovations, Level 3 STAR event and Yanilet Montano, Gold medal winner in Interior Design, Level 3. Andy will be a senior at KHS in 22-23.

Also attending the National Leadership Conference were KHS students Alivia Olson, Nebraska State FCCLA 1st Vice-President; Adan Ciprian, Nebraska State Peer Officer Team (SPOT) member; Milli Ciprian, past Nebraska Vice-President of National Programs and Carol Kreutzer, Kearney High Adviser.

Olson participated in leadership training and evaluated STAR events. Adan and Milli Ciprian and Mrs. Kreutzer evaluated STAR events. 

Next year FCCLA will host its National Leadership Conference in Denver, CO, July 2-6, 2023. To learn more about how you can get involved as a student, sponsor, or supporter, contact Carol Kreutzer, Adviser at Kearney High School.


Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a dynamic and effective national student organization with over 199,000 members nationwide, that helps students become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education. 

FCCLA: The Ultimate Leadership Experience is unique among youth organizations because its programs are planned and run by members, and it’s the only career and technical in-school student organization with a central focus on careers that support families. Participation in national FCCLA programs and chapter activities helps members become strong leaders in their families, careers, and communities.



 Dolly PartonKearney residents can celebrate family literacy by receiving and reading free high quality children’s books monthly.

 KEARNEY, NEBRASKA: The Kearney Noon Rotary Club is announcing a new literacy program offered for Kearney children. Kearney Rotary will partner with the international Dolly Parton Imagination Library to provide books to any Kearney child aged birth to 5. Books are mailed monthly to each eligible Kearney child. Rotary strongly supports that learning begins at birth and children exposed to books and literature find earlier success in kindergarten. Books enrich the family environment. Rotary is excited about the partnership with Dolly Parton Imagination Library supporting the importance of Kearney family literacy. Parents may register on Kearney Noon Rotary Facebook on and after July 29, 2022:

 ‘Our Kearney Noon Rotary members believe this is the most impactful activity we can do to support family reading and child literacy in Kearney,” said to Carol Renner, Rotary Imagination Library Coordinator. “It should have a great community impact. The financial support from Rotary fund raising will assure children begin formal schooling reading to succeed,’

 Matthew Williams, Director of Kearney Public Library shared, “I am so excited that Kearney Noon Rotary Club is sponsoring Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library for the Kearney area! Imagine every child receiving their very own book every month. The possibilities for children growing up in a home filled with books are endless.”

 "Kearney Public Schools is excited to support our Kearney Noon Rotary Club on the Dolly Parton Imagination Library for Kearney children,” stated Jason Mundorf, Kearney Public Schools Superintendent.  “The opportunity for families to receive books at no cost is a wonderful tool for building a family library for young readers. These books are excellent stories with rich literacy and fascinating tales for kids to develop a love of reading. Thanks to Kearney Noon Rotary for bringing this resource to our district. We hope families will take advantage of this opportunity!"

 People interested in learning more about the Kearney Noon Rotary Dolly Parton Imagination Library should visit the Kearney Noon Rotary Facebook site. Registration will open on July 29, 2022. Donations to this project may be sent to the Kearney Area Community Foundation.

 About Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Since launching in 1995, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library has become the preeminent early childhood book-gifting program in the world. The flagship program of The Dollywood Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, has gifted well over 182 million free books in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and The Republic of Ireland. The Imagination Library mails more than 2 million high-quality, age-appropriate books each month to enrolled children from birth to age five. Dolly envisioned creating a lifelong love of reading, inspiring children to dream more, learn more, care more and be more. The impact of the program has been widely researched and results suggest positive increases in key early childhood literacy metrics. Penguin Random House is the exclusive publisher for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. For more information, please


Nebraska FBLA 2022 National Award Winners

WickhamKearney High School earned the Gold Seal Chapter Award and Taylor Wickham of KHS earned sixth place in economics in the National FBLA Conference this month. The Gold Seal Award recognizes outstanding local chapters for active participation in projects and programs identified with the goals of FBLA.  Whickham was one of 98 Top Ten awards brought home by Nebraska members.

More than 400 students, advisers, and guests from the state of Nebraska attended the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) National Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois. Nebraska FBLA Middle School and High School members competed in June in 79 competitive events. More than 12,000 FBLA members from 48 states attended the conference.

Students attended educational sessions with industry leaders, elected a national student officer team, and more than 700 middle school students, 8200 high school students, and nearly 600 college students competed in a variety of national events. The National Leadership Conference is the culmination of students’ hard work over the previous academic year and an opportunity to showcase the skills and knowledge gained in the classroom.

Nebraska FBLA inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. Nebraska FBLA is supported through the Nebraska Center for Student Leadership and Expanded Learning at the Nebraska Department of Education.